
Toutes les équipes du labo ...

Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance : TSF

The work of the team focuses on the dependability of computing systems, i.e., the ability to deliver a service that can be justifiably trusted.


Diagnosis and Supervisory Control : DISCO

The DISCO team conducts broad-spectrum methodological research in the field of diagnostics and health monitoring of complex systems, a research theme at the frontier between Automatic Control and Artificial Intelligence.


Photonics : PHOTO

The PHOTO team works on photonic and photovoltaic integration in embedded systems.


Power Management System Integration : ISGE

The research carried out by the Integration of Energy Management Systems team ranges from power components to energy management systems based on wide bandgap materials (GaN, SiC and Diamond), in order to meet the challenges of large-scale electrification.


Methods and Algorithms in Control : MAC

The MAC Team does research in the field of systems and control theory. We develop a mathematical and theoretical basis for dynamical systems control, including modeling, design, analysis and optimization.


Engineering in Life Sciences Applications : ELIA

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Operations Research, Combinatorial Optimization and Constraints : ROC

Team ROC works on combinatorial optimisation problems, and on the algorithmic methods to solve them, bridging Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence.


Ingénierie Système et Intégration : ISI

The growing complexity of systems issues major constraints regarding their life cycle management. The ISI team provides solutions in order to efficiently implement processes defined by System Engineering.


Movement of Anthropomorphic Systems : GEPETTO

The research activity of the Gepetto team is focused on the analysis and generation of movement of anthropomorphic systems. Created in 2006, it quickly became one of the leading teams in humanoid robotics, unanimously recognized for its expertise in movement …


Microwaves and Opto-microwaves for Telecommunication Systems : MOST

The MOST team's research activities focus on the advanced design of integrated microwave and hybrid opto-microwave systems, in the fields of telecommunications, defense and space, with a particular attention on the generation, conversion, filtering and distribution of microwave and millimeter …


MIcro et Nanosystèmes pour les Communications : MINC

The MINC team focuses its research on wireless communicating systems, with particular emphasis on physical measurement in constrained environments, cyber security implemented at hardware level, 3D radar imaging and energy autonomy.



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Robotics and InteractionS : RIS

The "Robotics and InteractionS" team develops a research project on autonomous mobile machines that integrate perception, reasoning, learning, action and reaction capabilities. The challenge is on their capacity to act rationally in dynamic environments to achieve a large variety of …


High Frequency and Fluidic Micro and nanosystems : MH2F

The scientific context of the team focuses on the interaction and exploitation of electromagnetic fields with complex environments.


OpticAl Sensors and smart Integrated Systems : OASIS

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VERification of TIme Critical Systems : VERTICS

*Members of Vertics are now part of the new research team TRUST* The Vertics team focuses on the formal verification of time-critical systems. Our research focuses on enhancing model-checking techniques, scheduling real-time systems, and integrating our methods into existing engineering …


Materials, Processes and Nanodevices : MPN

The MPN team has a transversal research activity ranging from the synthesis of new materials with unique properties, through their shaping at nanoscale and finally to the fabrication of innovative nanodevices. Research themes include dopant engineering for nanoelectronics, advanced materials …


Microsystems for Analysis : MICA

Our team studies and develops microsystems dedicated to environmental analysis in liquid phase and gas phase, based on expertise in different transduction modes, on the shaping and integration of materials, and on the instrumental chain allowing the implementation of sensors.


Services and Architectures for Advanced Networks : SARA

The SARA team works on new-generation networks and communication systems.


Embedded Systems and Energy : ESE

Research done by ESE team aims at studying, characterizing, modeling and improving the robustness and reliability of embedded electronic systems (e.g. for automotive, aerospace or energy management applications) which operate in critical environments: environment with thermal constraints and existence of …


MIcro-Nanofluidics for Life science and Environment : MILE

MILE team addresses biophysics-related scientific questions thanks to microfluidic technologies. We focus on the interplay between permeability, mechanical properties, and biological activity of tissues and cells. Applications range from the role of mechanics in cancer to filtration, and cell sorting …


Smart Sensing and SystemS Monitoring : S4M

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Multi-scale Modeling of Materials : M3

The M3 team develops original and predictive atomic-scale models to understand the properties of matter. The goal is to support experiments, guide and control technological processes, enhance material performance, and contribute to innovation.


Nano-Engineering and integration of metal-Oxide-based nanostructures and their interfaces : NEO

Our research efforts focuses on metal oxides for the production and chemical storage of energy.


Microelectromechanical systems : MEMS

The MEMS team develops strategies to enhance the performance, reliability, and integration of MEMS devices. New functionalities and transduction mechanisms based on nanomaterials, biomaterials, and polymer technologies are also explored for applications in instrumentation, the environment, and healthcare.


Polynomial OPtimization : POP

The POP team focuses on solving notoriously difficult and non-convex polynomial optimization problems, arising from several adjacent fields.


Trustworthy systems: foundations and practices : TRUST

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