Power Management System Integration
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Our research topics concern four main areas: integrated power components and functions on large gap materials, very high frequency technologies on GaN, energy conversion systems and more sustainable electronics.
Power devices and integrated functions
Increase performances and robustness of power devices and functions: from silicon to wide-band gap materials
Very high frequencies technologies
Study of GaN HF devices and circuits, of robust and reconfigurable MMIC circuits and of 6G emerging technologies
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Power electronics for energy conversion
On-board energy management

Design of high-efficiency/high-power-density AC-DC converters, reversible and with galvanic isolation, and associated on-board control strategies, for the reversible charger of the electric car, in the context of "Vehicle-to-Grid" applications.
Microgrid energy management

Design of power electronics structures and on-board control strategies associated with the integration of renewable energies and storage resources (supercapacitor/battery) interfaced with the electricity grid in the context of "Smart Grid" applications.
Contact: Damian SAL y ROSAS
Very high frequencies technologies
BF and HF noise metrology
Measurement of low-frequency electronic noise - under probes or in package
We are developing low-frequency noise (LFN) metrology tools that enable us to achieve very low detection performance levels (10-28 A/Hz1/2) down to 1 MHz. These tools are used here to analyse the electrical and structural faults in active devices dedicated to high frequencies in the technological development phase (HBT GaAs, SiGe, HEMT GaAs, GaN, InP), in conjunction with other electrical and optical techniques available within the PROOF (Platform for the Reliability of Large Bandgap Devices).Grid platform.
HF electronic noise - 4 noise parameters

We have the means to measure the 4 noise parameters, using wide-band benches (10 MHz-50 GHz) controlled by a programme that gives us greater control over the conditions for measuring and extracting HF noise parameters. We are carrying out technology development studies (which have led to the now commercial BiCMOS 6G and 7RF chips from ST-Microelectronics, IBM 5HP and SiGeMicrosystems on SiGe HBT chips, and GaAs and GaN chips from Thales III-V Lab and OMMIC), and the development of original transistor physical models (very fast trap mechanisms, trap partitioning in HEMT active regions).
RF stress measurements under probes or in package

We develop electrical and thermal stress benches for active components operating at high frequencies: CW continuous RF stress, step RF or DC stress, carried out at constant temperature or under thermal cycling. In-situ measurements of static parameters (input/output currents), dynamic parameters (input-effective/output power), [S] parameters and NF50 noise (the only bench to our knowledge - developments under way) can be carried out in an environment that is fully controlled by software developed at LAAS. Two versions are available: SMA connectorised characterisation bench (RF and thermal stress); under-head bench: RF and thermal stress.
Contact: Jean-Guy TARTARIN
Gabriel Narvaez Morales, Thèse: Intelligence artificielle pour les systèmes d'énergie renouvelable
Guillaume Delamare, Thèse: Convertisseurs DC/DC à base de HFETs GaN pour applications spatiales
Notre équipe de recherche
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