Operations Research, Combinatorial Optimization and Constraints
- roc -
Team ROC works on combinatorial optimisation problems, and on the algorithmic methods to solve them, bridging Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence.
Our Research
Combinatorial Optimization Problems
Team ROC designs and studies various models and algorithms for several classes of combinatorial optimization problems, such as scheduling, vehicle routing, and resource allocation problems.
Computational Methods
We contribute to the design of efficient solving methods for hard combinatorial optimization problems. In particular, we design algorithms and models for constraint programming, mixed-integer linear programming and hybrid approaches.
Real-world Applications
We aim at confronting the proposed methods to the real world by considering industrial engineering, human factors and environmental issues. We develop industrial applications in various domains including transportation, manufacturing and supply chain management, energy management, aeronautics and space
Structural Properties and approximations with guarantees
We carry out research to establish structural properties and performance-guaranteed approximations of combinatorial optimization and other computing problems. This include complexity and approximability analysis, theoretical comparisons of linearization schemes, piecewise linear and polynomial approximations, polyhedral and graph theoretical studies
Optimization under uncertainty
The parameters of an optimization problems are often subject to uncertainties of all kinds. The team is interested in robust combinatorial optimization problems, especially scheduling problems under uncertainty. One avenue of research consists in proposing flexible solution structures for the proactive consideration of disruption by facilitating the repairing of computed solutions, notably by predetermining the feasibility of permutations within task sequences. The teams also contributes to advances in robust discrete optimization for scheduling
Combinatorial Optimization & Learning
We explore the relationship between combinatorial optimization and learning techniques in two complementary ways. On the one hand, we seek to integrate learning mechanisms within tree search for problem solving. On the other hand, in a dual way, other work aims at improving machine learning techniques by integrating combinatorial optimization methods.
Multi-Agent & Multi-Objective Optimization
The team is interested in the cooperative, decentralized and distributed aspects of decisions, related to the presence of several decision centers that interact in a number of applications. The team conducts research in multi-objective mathematical programming. Within multi-agent optimisation problems, the team is also exploring the search for equilibrium solutions within the meaning of game theory that are also non-Pareto dominated. Finally, the team is interested in distributed combinatorial optimization, especially for reasons of security or respect of private data. Interdisciplinary researches on human factors in combinatorial optimization have also been carried out.
Scientific executive
Affiliate researcher
Partnership guest
Latest publications
Journal articles
Conference papers
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Journal articles
Conference papers
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Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Journal articles
Book sections
Conference papers
Master thesis
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Journal articles
Conference papers
Other documents
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Journal articles
Conference papers
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Journal articles
Conference papers
Other documents
Some public source codes and softwares from the group's research.
BDDEncoding, a python library to learn a Boolean decision diagrams via MaxSAT
Blossom, an algorithm for computing optimal decision trees
ChromSAT, a CDCL-based graph coloring solver
fairCORELS, a Python library for learning fair and interpretable models
FAIRScoringSystems, a framework to generate interpretable and fair AI models for multi-class classification
LNS-MMRCPSP, a CPOptimizer-based approach to solve uncertain multi-mode project scheduling problems
MaxSAT Decision Trees, a python library to learn decision trees from via MaxSAT
MCTS, a C++ library to design Monte-Carlo Tree Search algorithms guided by reinforcement learning for combinatorial problems
Mistral, a constraint programming solver
Two Stage Scheduling Using POGS, a python CPOptimizer-based approach to robust scheduling via compilation into "permutable operation groups"
Hao Hu, Thèse: Interpretable Machine Learning Models via Maximum Boolean Satisfiability
Tom Portoleau, Thèse: Représentations discrètes pour l’ordonnancement et la planification robustes
Idir Hamaz, Thèse: Méthodes d'optimisation robuste pour les problèmes d'ordonnancement cyclique
Pierre Coupechoux, Thèse: Codes et jeux de soustraction et de poursuite dans les graphes
Ulrich Matchi Aïvodji, Thèse: Technologies respectueuses de la vie privée pour le covoiturage
Yun He, Thèse: Problèmes de tournée avec prise en compte explicite de la consommation d'énergie
Margaux Nattaf, Thèse: Ordonnancement sous contraintes d’énergie
Nadia Chaabane, Thèse: Recherche de flots stables dans des réseaux de transport multi-agents
Jobs / Interships
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