PRESTO project wins IEA 2023 call - CNRS Sciences informatiques


The CNRS Sciences informatiques International Emerging Actions 2023 campaign has rewarded Denis Arzelier and Mioara Joldes for their PRESTO project.


The International Emerging Actions (IEA) call for projects has selected the PRESTO project and its promoters as one of the 5 winners.

PRESTO - Reliable and efficient numerical algorithms for stochastically constrained trajectory optimization

The development of new control methods to minimize fuel consumption is essential for the design of sustainable dynamic systems. The various associated constraints, whether deterministic or probabilistic, arising from uncertain environmental conditions or operational constraints, are difficult to take into account by conventional control theory, and their treatment often requires a combination of more advanced probabilistic modeling and optimization techniques. Our research consortium includes two LAAS-CNRS researchers (Denis Arzelier, Mioara Joldes) and a PhD student (Matthieu Masson), who have focused mainly on rigorous and robust approximations, as well as the Italian team (Fabrizio Dabbene, Martina Mammarella, CNR researchers at Politecnico di Torino) made up of experts in probabilistic techniques applied to predictive control.

The main aim of our first collaboration is to develop efficient and reliable numerical algorithms for fixed-time optimal control. A relevant example concerns the design of debris-avoidance maneuver plans for satellites in low Earth orbit.

For more information, see the article on the CNRS Sciences informatiques website.

roc / Matthieu Masson / Denis Arzelier / Mioara Maria Joldes

published on 26.04.24