Computational Methods

We contribute to the design of efficient solving methods for hard combinatorial optimization problems. In particular, we design algorithms and models for constraint programming, mixed-integer linear programming and hybrid approaches.

Propagation of the cumulative constraint


Constraint Programming

The description of the feasible set follows the general CSP framework involving variables, domains, and constraints. The objectives are usually transformed in constraint(s). The team proposes efficient constraint propagation algorithms and intelligent tree search methods based on learning and SAT-inspired techniques.

Some publications on Constraint Programming

Column generation based on q-routes for vehicle routing


Mixed Integer linear programming

The feasible set and objective(s) involve only linear expressions on integer or fractional variables. In this domain, the team carries out researches on branch-and-cut, branch-and-price and more generally decomposition methods.

Some publications on MILP

Implication graph in an hybrid CP/SAT Solver


Hybrid methods for combinatorial optimization

Combining different approaches is often the key in significant computational breakthrough for combinatorial optimization. The teams carries out research in different hybridizations between several components among Mixed-Integer Linear and Non-Linear programming, Constraint Programming, Dynamic Programming, Boolean Satisfiability, Local Search.

Some publications on hybrid methods

A flow-based heuristic for a multi-skill technician allocation and scheduling problem


Dedicated Algorithms

Depending on the structure of the considered combinatorial optimization problem, the team also develops dedicated exact or approximated algorithms: specific heuristics, greedy algorithms, local search methods, dynamic programming, graph-based heuristics...

Some publications on dedicated methods