Department rob
The robotics department is developing a multi-thematic field of research focusing on the development of perception, decision, movement generation and communication functions for robots, intended to be tested in real, uncontrolled environments. It is equipped with a very complete robotic platform.
The department is structured into three research teams which work in synergy and whose areas of expertise are complementary.
The “Gepetto” team, specialist in the movement of anthropomorphic systems, has three research objects: the humanoid robot, the digital mannequin and Human. Its expertise is focused on the planning, generation and control of the movement of these unstable poly-articulated systems. It carries out interdisciplinary activity at the intersection of robotics, neuroscience and biomechanics with a particular interest in the design of artificial muscles.
The activity of the “Robotics, action and perception” (RAP) team, experts in signal processing, is centered on the “perception-action” link, with a focus on vision and hearing. Its areas of research are: detection, segmentation, identification and tracking of people and objects; perception and control in a dynamic environment and the development of integrated sensors. The challenges to be met are taking into account the variability of the environment and the constraints of embedding and real-time calculation. The team develops original solutions emphasizing probabilistic data fusion.
The “Robotics and its interactions” (RIS) team focuses its expertise on interactions with humans and the environment. Its activities cover systems architecture, physical control and interactions, temporal planning and reasoning, motion planning and learning. The methods and algorithms developed are exploited in three main areas: terrestrial and aerial robotics, with a strong focus on multi-robot cooperation and environment modeling, cognitive and interaction robotics and molecular movement.
These three teams maintain close collaboration with each other, as well as with other laboratory teams attached to different scientific departments. Their work is carried out within the framework of a large number of European projects (ESA, FP7, Horizon Europe, EraNet, etc.), national and regional, and direct industrial collaborations. The applications concern a wide range of fields: agriculture, transport, factory of the future, service robotics, home automation and ambient intelligence, virtual reality and animation, surveillance and civil security, planetary and space exploration, biochemistry, etc.
A large number of software developed by the department researchers are distributed in open access (GenoM3, GDHE, OpenPRS, Jafar, HPP, SoT, Pinocchio, etc.).
The department is composed of 3 research teams: Robotique et Interactions (RIS), Robotique, Action, Perception (RAP) et GEPETTO.

The research activity of the Gepetto team is focused on the analysis and generation of movement of anthropomorphic systems. Created in 2006, it quickly became one of the leading teams in humanoid robotics, unanimously recognized for its expertise in movement …

The research conducted by the RAP team concerns the design, prototyping, implementation and evaluation of algorithms for: visual perception; sensor-based control and navigation; interactive mobile manipulation; multi-sensor data modeling and fusion.

The "Robotics and InteractionS" team develops a research project on autonomous mobile machines that integrate perception, reasoning, learning, action and reaction capabilities. The challenge is on their capacity to act rationally in dynamic environments to achieve a large variety of …
Latest publications
Journal articles
Conference papers
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Journal articles
Book sections
Conference papers
Master thesis
Other documents
Félix Ingrand. BT2Fiacre (Behavior Tree 2 Fiacre). 2024. ⟨hal-04720141⟩
Marc Renaud. Polynômes particuliers à une variable. INSA Toulouse; LAAS CNRS. 2024. ⟨hal-04804020⟩
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Félix Ingrand. ProSkill: A formal skill language for acting in robotics. 2024. ⟨hal-04502274⟩
Journal articles
Jean-Paul Laumond. La Robotique.. Odile Jacob, 288p., 2023, 9782415006044. ⟨hal-04137269⟩
Book sections
Conference papers
Other documents
Félix Ingrand. ProSkill. 2023. ⟨hal-04738223⟩
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Marc Renaud. Grassmanniennes, calcul de Schubert et polynômes de Schur. 2023. ⟨hal-04288623⟩
Marc Renaud. Géométrie du triangle à l'aide des coordonnées aréolaires. 2023. ⟨hal-04074181⟩
Pierre-Alexandre Léziart, Thèse: Contrôle de la locomotion d'un robot quadrupède léger
Isabelle Maroger, Thèse: Transport de charges homme-robot
Quentin Portes, Thèse: Analyse multimodale de situations conflictuelles en contexte véhicule
Noelie Ramuzat, Thèse: Contrôle en force/couple pour des opérations industrielles
Alexis Nicolin, Thèse: Planification de tâches d'asservissement visuel en robotique
Dimitri Leca, Thèse: Navigation autonome d'un robot agricole
Diane Bury, Thèse: Planification de tâches de manipulation pour robots parallèles à câbles
Céline Pieters, Thèse: Les mots de la robotique : une approche rhétorique
Rohan Budhiraja, Thèse: Locomotion Multi-corps : Structure du problème et résolution efficace
Florent Forget, Thèse: Modélisation et contrôle d'actionneurs pour la robotique humanoïde
Thierry Sotiropoulos, Thèse: Test aléatoire de la navigation de robots dans des mondes virtuels
Nassime Blin, Thèse: Planification interactive de mouvement avec contact
Sandra Devin, Thèse: Processus décisionnels lors d'action conjointe homme-robot
Alexis Mifsud, Thèse: Estimation et stabilisation de l'état d'un robot humanoïde compliant
Guilhem Saurel, Thèse: Génération de mouvement en robotique mobile et humanoïde
Justin Carpentier, Thèse: Computational foundations of anthropomorphic locomotion
Mylène Campana, Thèse: Planification de mouvements pour acteurs digitaux
Laurent Denarie, Thèse: Méthodes inspirées de la robotique pour l’aide à la conception de protéines
Joseph Mirabel, Thèse: Planification de mouvement pour objets documentés
Michelangelo Fiore, Thèse: Processus décisionnels pour l'interaction homme-robot
Renliw Fleurmond, Thèse: Asservissement visuel coordonné de deux bras manipulateurs
Christophe Mollaret, Thèse: Perception multimodale de l’homme pour l’interaction Homme-Robot
Elena Stumm, Thèse: Emplacement des modèles de reconnaissance visuelle de lieu
Lucas Marti, Thèse: Estimation de la posture humaine par capteur RGB-D
Olivier Roussel, Thèse: Planification de mouvement pour tiges élastiques
Andreas Orthey, Thèse: Exploiter la structure pour la planification de mouvement humanoïde