VERification of TIme Critical Systems
- vertics -
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Bernard Berthomieu, Dmitry A Zaitsev. Sleptsov Nets are Turing-complete. 2023. ⟨hal-04139308⟩
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- Participation to the Aerospace Valley competitiveness cluster, for the Embedded and Communicating Systems (SEC) ecosystem.
- Member of the IFSE (Ingéniérie Formelle des Systèmes Embarqués) working group within the RTRA STAE (Sciences et Technologies pour l'Aéronautique et l'Espace).
- Co-organizer of the FMF conference series (Forum Méthodes Formelles)
The Vertics team develops two main software tools: Tina, a toolbox for the analysis of Time Petri Nets, and Frac, the Fiacre compiler.
The TINA toolbox is a set of tools for the edition and analysis of time Petri Nets and their extensions. In particular it can handle Time Petri Nets (TPN), priorities, inhibitor arcs, and an extension of TPN with data handling called TTS.
Tina includes an editor and GUI (nd) for Time Petri Nets and Automata; stepper simulators and state space generation tools (tina and sift); structural analysis tools (struct); and model-checkers for state/event LTL (selt), and for CTL* and an existential fragment of μ calculus (muse).
sift is a specialized version of tina supporting in addition on the fly verification of reachability properties. If offers less options than tina but is typically faster and requires considerably less space.
FIACRE is an Intermediate Formal language for the description of concurrent activities with real-time constraints. It is a formally defined language for representing compositionaly both the behavioral and timing aspects of embedded and distributed systems for formal verification and simulation purposes. We provide a compiler (frac) that is able to generate a TTS model from a given Fiacre specification. This TTS model can then be used with Tina. We have recently extended the language with: native functions; and real-time verification patterns, that is a possibility to define timed temporal properties directly within a specification.
We also distribute several prototypes:
- AADL2Fiacre: an OSATE compliant Eclipse plugin for generating Fiacre (behavioral) specifications from an AADL model using the Behavioral Annex.
- SimSo (Simulation of Multiprocessor Scheduling with Overheads): is a scheduling simulator for real-time multiprocessor architectures that takes into account some scheduling overheads (scheduling decisions, context switches) and the impact of caches through statistical models. The easiest way to evaluate the simulator is to use SimSo Web, a full browser interface of SimSo.
- Twina: a tool for analyzing the “product” of two Time Petri Nets (TPN), with possibly inhibitor and read arcs. Its main objective is to compute a usable representation of the intersection of two net languages; meaning the intersection of the (timed) languages obtained from the executions of two TPN, in which transitions with the same labels are fired at the same date.
- Ramona: a tool for analyzing real-time properties of systems of RAte MONotonic tAsks. Its main objective is to check the schedulabity of a set of periodic tasks using some hypothesis on the behavior; more specifically the use of fixed priority scheduling and a Logical Execution Time (LET) model.
- MCC: a tool to unfold high-level (colored) Petri Nets that can be applied on models used in the Model-Checking Contest.
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