News Governance


The “Reuse of plastic” project is accepted

The “Reuse of plastic” project (CNRS Bas Carbone 2023 call for projects) was selected and is one of the 32 winners among the 93 applications submitted.

Sustainable development referents

To better disseminate information and make its agents aware of the challenges of sustainable development, the CNRS has set up a network of "sustainable development" referents.
For the LAAS, 4 members of Ecolaas accepted this mission...

Aid for the purchase of a bicycle

It's not easy to find your way around the various financial aids for the purchase of a bicycle and their eligibility conditions, so we suggest you take a tour of them in 5 steps.

CNRS low carbon transition plan

Purchasing, digital, mobility and energy: the first themes of the CNRS low-carbon transition plan

The CNRS Equipment Exchange

The CNRS Equipment Exchange is an advertising service dedicated to the loan, donation and sale of second-hand equipment. ...


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