Eco-friendly gestures

Some good habits that Ecolaas recommends for you

Green gift ideas

"For young and old, Christmas remains synonymous with wonder, good meals and great family moments. For the environment, the picture is less bright: food waste, overconsumption, waste additional ... And if the magic of Christmas consisted precisely in doing doubly good, to its people and to the planet?"
You will find a practical Christmas guide in: Les tutos de l'Ademe, un Noël juste parfait - Ademe - Novembre 2020
And below is a list of ideas for second-hand intangible and material gifts in Toulouse.

The holiday checklist

turn off your computeryour screen and  your printer
turn off the air conditioning
make sure the windows are closed and if possible close the shutters
disconnect chargers and electrical devices
bring mineral sunscreenyour flask and your tote bag and "débranchez" (which means "unplug" but "let go" too) smiley !

I feel gourde

Transcription of Camille Crosnier's podcast on France Inter on May 3, 2021

For the environment, is it better to have a flask or plastic bottles?

Are Flasks really greener than plastic bottles?

And if so, which material is better to focus on?


Reuse your plastic bottles!

Do you regularly have sandwiches or salads in the canteen?
Refuse to take a small plastic water bottle everytime.
Remember to save it for use over the next few days, or better yet, bring your own glass or stainless steel bottle.

Personal carbon footprint: 11t CO2e on average, and you?

The average French person has a carbon footprint of 11.3 tons of CO2e/year, which can be broken down as follows:

Unplug your chargers when not in use

A charger left plugged in “empty” to a power outlet, that is to say when it is not connected to a device (mobile phone, computer, etc.), still consumes electricity. although this consumption is very low.

More info on this page of Knowledge of Energies