Personal carbon footprint: 11t CO2e on average, and you?

The average French person has a carbon footprint of 11.3 tons of CO2e/year, which can be broken down as follows:

And you? Aren't you curious to know where you stand? You might be surprised by your early sobriety. For example, here is my (Felix) current footprint for 2019:

8 tons is below average, without living like a monk! And clearly, I can do much better on housing smiley

Here is the site where you can evaluate your own personal carbon footprint:




So? How much do you weigh? Share your result in comments. Are you on track to reach 2 tons by 2050? You will notice that there is 1.1 tons that correspond to "state services". This is where we, as civil servants (CNRS, University, etc), find our professional "carbon footprint".

Speaking of which, if you want to make your individual professional footprint (home/work travel and mission travel only for the moment), while waiting for the laboratory to make its global one, go to this site: .