The objectives of the Ecolaas collective

Our goal is to support any approach to sustainable development and environmental preservation within the framework of LAAS
The collective aims to be a force for concrete proposals, from the most modest to the most ambitious, new actions or support for actions already underway, local actions at LAAS level or in consultation with other laboratories.

The idea behind this project is to make the area formed by the DR, the OMP with the CESBIO and the LAAS, as well as the "little wood" that separates us from the canal, a welcoming place for biodiversity, with an LPO Refuge label to match.

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News LAAS Biodiversity

​Le CNRS lance pour la deuxième année consécutive un appel à initiatives internes pour financer les actions de transition environnementale dans les unités de recherche ou d’appui à la recherche (date limite : 19 avril).

​​​Cet appel a pour objectif d’expérimenter et d’évaluer des pratiques plus sobres des activités de recherche, ou d’appui à la recherche, et de les essaimer dans d’autres unités.


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Find out more about LAAS 2022's GHG footprint and how it has evolved since 2019.

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News LAAS GHG balance

The ducks and moorhens had long since deserted our “duck pond” which was poorly named.

But a couple of mallards have reinvested the place.

Of course, it has rained a lot for a few weeks and the water level in the pond has risen.

Perhaps the cessation of the use of glyphosate also has something to do with it.

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15/03/2024 News Ecolaas Biodiversity
La prochaine réunion Ecolaas aura lieu le lundi 25 mars à 13h30 en salle Hourgade.

Proposition d'ordre du jour (en fonction des discussions et du temps) :

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