So you don't miss any of our activities.

50th MNE Conference from September 16to 19, 2024
The 50th MNE (Micro and Nano Engineering) international conference will be held in Montpellier from September 16 to 19, 2024.

Meeting and scientific cooperation - Occitania-Japan Region
Nadia Pellefigue and Bruno Watier visit the AIST Waterfront (Japan) on March 14.

A network of remote-powered wireless sensors
Designed for monitoring reinforced concrete structures, the wireless sensor network is powered by radio frequency waves. The design and testing of the new network are detailed in an article in the IEEE Internet of Things Journal.

LAAS-CNRS studies the scrum for Stade Toulousain
A doctoral student at LAAS-CNRS, Zoé Pomarat is carrying out research work based on instrumentation of the rugby scrum, in partnership with the Stade Toulousain.

Artificial intelligence: how can we distinguish cancer cells from healthy cells?
The ELIA team, in association with a team from the Restore laboratory, classified hundreds of cells using biomechanical measurements and machine learning. The results have been published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces.

Roboticist Olivier Stasse interviewed by Radio France Culture
Radio France Culture has published an interview on ‘Robots: ah si j'étais un humanoïde’, with roboticist Olivier Stasse.