Transport and Mobility
Transport and mobility: efficient and safe systems for intelligent and connected mobility
The ambition of this transversal application axis is to identify and make visible the activities of the LAAS-CNRS linked to transport and mobility (car, plane, train, etc.). It also aims to take advantage of associated multidisciplinary skills to apply them to intelligent and connected mobile systems with the main aim of making them safer and more efficient. This application axis concerns researchers and teacher-researchers from 11 research teams in the laboratory.
Means of transport and mobility evolve according to the needs of users and the development of society. New needs are emerging (safety of means of transport, security against malicious acts, ecology, etc.).

Thus, the development of these systems must comply with requirements related to:
- environment,
- human behavior,
- risk,
- regulations
- energy performance.
These requirements are presented in the form of constraints to be taken into account in the choice of solutions and tools:
- means of communication,
- decision making,
- perception,
- data processing,
- instrumentation,
- choice of technologies.
Départements concernés