
Dmitry Peaucelle

Dmitry Peaucelle


MAC : Methods and Algorithms in Control

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ASPIRE program: new cooperation between France and Japan


An artificial intelligence project from the GDR MACS, led by Dmitry Peaucelle from the MAC team, has been selected in the ASPIRE programme of the Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST), in the ‘ASPIRE for Top Scientists’ category.


All news of Dmitry Peaucelle

Selected publications

Latest publications


Journal articles

Loïc Michel, Caroline Braud, Jean-Pierre Barbot, Franck Plestan, Dimitri Peaucelle, et al.. Comparison of different feedback controllers on an airfoil benchmark. Wind Energy Science, 2025, 10 (1), pp.177 - 191. ⟨10.5194/wes-10-177-2025⟩. ⟨hal-04908368⟩

Preprints, Working Papers, ...

Sara Callegari, Dimitri Peaucelle, Frédéric Gouaisbaut, Yoshio Ebihara, Masayuki Sato. Imporved S-variable results applied to the analysis of time-varying uncertain systems. 2025. ⟨hal-04934289⟩


Journal articles

Yohei Hosoe, Yuki Michitani, Dimitri Peaucelle, Tomomichi Hagiwara. Stochastic Gain-Scheduled Control of Discrete-Time Systems Characterized by Random Polytopes. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2024, 8, pp.229 - 234. ⟨10.1109/LCSYS.2024.3366179⟩. ⟨hal-04448570⟩

Loïc Michel, Caroline Braud, Jean-Pierre Barbot, Franck Plestan, Dimitri Peaucelle, et al.. Some comments on experimental results of three lift controllers for a wind turbine blade section using an active flow control. Wind Energy Science, In press, ⟨10.5194/wes-2024-15⟩. ⟨hal-04457382⟩

Conference papers

Yoshio Ebihara, Xin Dai, Victor Magron, Dimitri Peaucelle, Sophie Tarbouriech. Local Lipschitz Constant Computation of ReLU-FNNs: Upper Bound Computation with Exactness Verification. European Control Conference (ECC 2024), Jun 2024, Stockholm, Sweden. ⟨10.23919/ECC64448.2024.10590974⟩. ⟨hal-04247204⟩

Dimitri Peaucelle, Yoshio Ebihara, Yohei Hosoe. About an alternative S-variable condition for state-feedback design. European Control Conference, EUCA, Jun 2024, Stockholm, Sweden. ⟨10.23919/ECC64448.2024.10591320⟩. ⟨hal-04266433⟩

Shingo Nishinaka, Rin Saeki, Tsuyoshi Yuno, Yoshio Ebihara, Victor Magron, et al.. Stability Analysis of Feedback Systems with ReLU Nonlinearities via Semialgebraic Set Representation. 4th IFAC Conference of Modelling, Identification and Control of nonlinear systems (MICNON), Sep 2024, Lyon, France. ⟨hal-04495314⟩

Dimitri Peaucelle. About S-Variables and Descriptor Systems. Workshop on Automatic Control Theory Japan-France Research Networking, Nov 2024, Kyoto (Japan), Japan. ⟨hal-04926040⟩

Other documents

Sara Callegari, Frédéric Gouaisbaut, Dimitri Peaucelle. Robustness of Coupled ODEs and PDEs, state-of-the-art and perspectives. Methods and Algorithms for the Control of Complex Systems, Aug 2024, Banyuls sur-mer, France, France. 2024. ⟨hal-04700288⟩

Preprints, Working Papers, ...

Yoshio Ebihara, Noboru Sebe, Hayato Waki, Dimitri Peaucelle, Sophie Tarbouriech, et al.. Induced Norm Analysis of Linear Systems for Nonnegative Input Signals. 2024. ⟨hal-04438031⟩

Hibiki Gyotoku, Tsuyoshi Yuno, Yoshio Ebihara, Victor Magron, Dimitri Peaucelle, et al.. On Dual of LMIs for Absolute Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Feedback Systems with Static O'Shea-Zames-Falb Multipliers. 2024. ⟨hal-04797364⟩


Conference papers

Dimitri Peaucelle. Exploring robust structured static output feedback design. Workshop on Uncertain Dynamical Systems, Jul 2023, Kyoto, Japan. ⟨hal-04745661⟩

Yoni Lahana, Mauro Mancini, Dimitri Peaucelle, Elisa Capello, Hélène Evain. Comparison of Adaptive Control Laws on a Satellite Attitude Control Benchmark. Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, Jul 2023, Rome, Italy. ⟨hal-04088506⟩


Dimitri Peaucelle, Damien Trentesaux, Gülgün Alpan, Romain Postoyan, Jean Auriol, et al.. Groupement de Recherche MACS - Bilan 2019-2023 et Projet 2024-2028. Cnrs. 2023. ⟨hal-04246559⟩


Conference papers

Yoshio Ebihara, Hayato Waki, Noboru Sebe, Victor Magron, Dimitri Peaucelle, et al.. L 2+ Induced Norm Analysis of Continuous-Time LTI Systems Using Positive Filters and Copositive Programming. European Control Conference (ECC 2022), Jul 2022, Londres, United Kingdom. ⟨10.23919/ECC55457.2022.9838085⟩. ⟨hal-03740522⟩

Other documents

Dimitri Peaucelle. Discussion on S-variable based static-output feedback design heuristics. 2022. ⟨hal-04926087⟩


Journal articles

Yoshio Ebihara, Hayato Waki, Victor Magron, Ngoc Hoang Anh Mai, Dimitri Peaucelle, et al.. $l_2$ Induced Norm Analysis of Discrete-Time LTI Systems for Nonnegative Input Signals and Its Application to Stability Analysis of Recurrent Neural Networks. European Journal of Control, 2021, 62, pp.99-104. ⟨10.1016/j.ejcon.2021.06.022⟩. ⟨hal-03026445⟩

Masayuki Sato, Dimitri Peaucelle. Causal Gain-scheduled output feedback controllers using parameter-dependent Lyapunov Functions. Automatica, 2021, 129, pp.109569. ⟨10.1016/j.automatica.2021.109569⟩. ⟨hal-03312433⟩

Conference papers

Thomas Conord, Dimitri Peaucelle. Multi-Performance State-Feedback for Time-Varying Linear Systems. Third IFAC Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems - MICNON 2021, Sep 2021, Online, Japan. ⟨hal-03176042v2⟩

Thomas Conord, Dimitri Peaucelle. Continuous quaternion based almost global attitude tracking. IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA 2021), Aug 2021, San Diego, United States. ⟨hal-03118544v2⟩

Yoshio Ebihara, Hayato Waki, Victor Magron, Ngoc Hoang Anh Mai, Dimitri Peaucelle, et al.. Stability Analysis of Recurrent Neural Networks by IQC with Copositive Mutipliers. Control and Decision Conference (CDC) 2021, Dec 2021, Austin, United States. pp.5098-5103, ⟨10.1109/CDC45484.2021.9683530⟩. ⟨hal-03564261⟩

Preprints, Working Papers, ...

Olivier Coutard, Pierre-Olivier Amblard, Claude Amra, Brigitte Bacroix, Pascal Barone, et al.. CPCN - BILAN DE MANDATURE 2016 – 2021. 2021. ⟨hal-03413289v2⟩

Dimitri Peaucelle, Isabelle Queinnec, Damien Trentesaux. Dossier d'évaluation à mi-parcours du Groupement de Recherche en “Modélisation, Analyse et Conduite des Systèmes dynamiques” MACS. 2021. ⟨hal-03142435⟩


Journal articles

Yohei Hosoe, Dimitri Peaucelle, Tomomichi Hagiwara. Linearization of Expectation-Based Inequality Conditions in Control for Discrete-Time Linear Systems Represented with Random Polytopes. Automatica, 2020, 122, pp.09228. ⟨10.1016/j.automatica.2020.109228⟩. ⟨hal-03026824⟩

Dimitri Peaucelle, Harmonie Leduc. Adaptive control design with S-variable LMI approach for robustness and L2 performance. International Journal of Control, 2020, 93 (2), pp.194-203. ⟨10.1080/00207179.2018.1554907⟩. ⟨hal-01960048⟩

Masayuki Sato, Dimitri Peaucelle. Conservatism reduction for linear parameter‐varying control design facing inexact scheduling parameters illustrated on flight tests. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2020, 30 (15), pp.6130-6148. ⟨10.1002/rnc.5037⟩. ⟨hal-03088842⟩

Conference papers

Yoshio Ebihara, Dimitri Peaucelle, Denis Arzelier. The Hankel-type L q /L p Induced Norms of Positive Systems Across Switching. IFAC World Congress, Jul 2020, Berlin, Germany. ⟨10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.595⟩. ⟨hal-03740602⟩


Journal articles

Yohei Hosoe, Dimitri Peaucelle. Static Output Feedback Stabilization of Discrete-Time Linear Systems With Stochastic Dynamics Determined by an Independent Identically Distributed Process. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2019, 3 (3), pp.673-678. ⟨10.1109/LCSYS.2019.2916289⟩. ⟨hal-03026829⟩

Conference papers

Dorothée Berthomieu, Olivier Coutard, Dimitri Peaucelle, Philippe Büttgen, Julie Gavard, et al.. La recherche publique en France en 2019 : Diagnostic et propositions du Comité national. Session extraordinaire du Comité national de la recherche scientifique, Jul 2019, Paris, France. ⟨hal-02289205⟩

Dimitri Peaucelle, Emmanuel Guilmineau, Caroline Braud. Towards robust control design for active flow control on wind turbine blades. Wind Energy Science Conference 2019, Jun 2019, Cork, Ireland. paper id 706. ⟨hal-02888544⟩


Dimitri Peaucelle, Marie-José Huguet, Yannick Pencolé, Christian Artigues, Emmanuel Hébrard, et al.. Bilan et prospectives 2019 du département Décision & Optimisation du LAAS-CNRS. 2019. ⟨hal-02295816⟩

Dimitri Peaucelle, Axel Löfberg, Florent Calvo, Matthieu Cassin, Cathy Castelain, et al.. Commission interdisciplinaire 50 « Gestion de la recherche » - Rapport de conjoncture 2019. Comité national de la recherche scientifique. 2019. ⟨hal-02320221⟩

Preprints, Working Papers, ...

Yohei Hosoe, Dimitri Peaucelle. Distribution Modeling and Stabilization Control for Discrete-Time Linear Random Dynamical Systems Using Ensemble Kalman Filter. 2019. ⟨hal-02096062⟩


Journal articles

Yassine Ariba, Frédéric Gouaisbaut, Alexandre Seuret, Dimitri Peaucelle. Stability Analysis of time-delay Systems via Bessel Inequality A quadratic separation approach. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2018, 28 (5), pp.1507-1527. ⟨10.1002/rnc.3975⟩. ⟨hal-01699172⟩

Yohei Hosoe, Tomomichi Hagiwara, Dimitri Peaucelle. Robust Stability Analysis and State Feedback Synthesis for Discrete-Time Systems Characterized by Random Polytopes. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2018, 63 (2), pp.556 - 562. ⟨10.1109/TAC.2017.2730586⟩. ⟨hal-01760478⟩


Kurosh Madani, Dimitri Peaucelle, Oleg Gusikhin. Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. Springer International Publishing, 430, 2018, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-55011-4⟩. ⟨hal-04322619⟩

Kurosh K. Madani, Dimitri Peaucelle, O. O. Gusikhin (Dir.). Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. , 2018, 978-3-319-55011-4. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-55011-4⟩. ⟨hal-01762661⟩

Book sections

Denis Arzelier, F. Dabbene, S. Formentin, Dimitri Peaucelle, Luca Zaccarian. Robust Static Output Feedback Design with Deterministic and Probabilistic Certificates. Uncertainty in Networked Systems: In Honor of Roberto Tempo, Springer, pp.121-148, 2018, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-04630-9_3⟩. ⟨hal-01970884⟩

Conference papers

Masayuki Sato, Dimitri Peaucelle. Continuous-Time Gain-Scheduled H-infinity Controllers with Causality for Scheduling Parameters via Parameter-Dependent Lyapunov Functions. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2018), Dec 2018, Miami Beach, United States. pp.4908-4913, ⟨10.1109/CDC.2018.8619348⟩. ⟨hal-02270940⟩

Dimitri Peaucelle, Caroline Braud, Emmanuel Guilmineau. Towards robust control design for active flow control on wind turbine blades first results based on numerical simulations.. SMARTEOLE colloquium, Aug 2018, Orléans, France. ⟨hal-02888583⟩

Dimitri Peaucelle, Yoshio Ebihara. Affine Versus Multi-Affine Models for S-Variable LMI Conditions. 9th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design (ROCOND 2018), Sep 2018, Florianopolis, Brazil. 8p. ⟨hal-01713146v2⟩


Dimitri Peaucelle, J. Zaytoon, Ascension de Sousa. 20th IFAC World Congress - Post Congress Report. [Research Report] Rapport LAAS n° 18242, LAAS-CNRS. 2018. ⟨hal-01851729⟩


Journal articles

Mohammadreza Chamanbaz, Fabrizio Dabbene, Roberto Tempo, Dimitri Peaucelle, Christelle Pittet. Randomized and Robust Methods for Uncertain Systems using R-RoMulOC, with Applications to DEMETER Satellite Benchmark. Aerospace Lab, 2017, 13, p. 1-11. ⟨10.12762/2017.AL13-04⟩. ⟨hal-01570588v2⟩

Dimitri Peaucelle, Yoshio Ebihara, Yohei Hosoe. Robust observed-state feedback design for discrete-time systems rational in the uncertainties. Automatica, 2017, 76, pp.96-102. ⟨hal-01225068⟩

Yoshio Ebihara, Dimitri Peaucelle, Denis Arzelier. Steady-state analysis of delay interconnected positive systems and its application to formation control. IET Control Theory and Applications, 2017, 11 (16), pp.2783 - 2792. ⟨10.1049/iet-cta.2017.0315⟩. ⟨hal-01760482⟩

Yoshio Ebihara, Dimitri Peaucelle, Denis Arzelier. Analysis and Synthesis of Interconnected Positive Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2017, 62 (2), pp.652 - 667. ⟨10.1109/TAC.2016.2558287⟩. ⟨hal-01760496⟩

Conference papers

Shoya Tanabe, Hiroyuki Ichihara, Yoshio Ebihara, Dimitri Peaucelle. Persistence Analysis of Discrete-Time Interconnected Positive Systems and its Application to Mobile Robot Formation. IFAC World Congress, Jul 2017, Toulouse, France. pp.3105 - 3110, ⟨10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.304⟩. ⟨hal-01760484⟩

Hiroyuki Ichihara, Shinya Kajihara, Yoshio Ebihara, Dimitri Peaucelle. Formation Control of Mobile Robots Based on Interconnected Positive Systems. IFAC World Congress, Jul 2017, Toulouse, France. pp.8441 - 8446, ⟨10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.755⟩. ⟨hal-01760487⟩


Denis D. Dochain, Didier Henrion, Dimitri Peaucelle. 20th IFAC World Congress Toulouse, France, 9–14 July 2017 PROCEEDINGS. IFAC World Congress, Jul 2017, Toulouse, France. 50 (1), , 2017, IFAC-PapersOnLine. ⟨hal-01762813⟩

Preprints, Working Papers, ...

Harmonie Leduc, Christelle Pittet, Dimitri Peaucelle. Adaptive attitude control of a microsatellite during payload deployment. 2017. ⟨hal-01473674⟩


Journal articles

Yoshio Ebihara, Dimitri Peaucelle, Denis Arzelier. Convergence Rate Analysis of Multi-Agent Positive Systems under Formation Control: An Efficient Algorithm by Exploiting Positivity. SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, 2016, 9 (5), pp.216 - 224. ⟨10.9746/jcmsi.9.216⟩. ⟨hal-01760493⟩

Mahdieh S. Sadabadi, Dimitri Peaucelle. From Static Output Feedback to Structured Robust Static Output Feedback: A Survey. Annual Reviews in Control, 2016, 42 (11-26), ⟨10.1016/j.arcontrol.2016.09.014⟩. ⟨hal-01342560⟩


O. Gusikhin, Dimitri Peaucelle, K. K. Madani (Dir.). Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, ICINCO 2016, Lisbon, Portugal, July 29-31, 2016. SciTePress 1, 2016. ⟨hal-01568514⟩

Conference papers

Harmonie Leduc, Dimitri Peaucelle, Christelle Pittet-Mechin. Adaptive Control LMI-based design for descriptor systems rational in the uncertainties. IFAC International Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing (ALCOSP), Jun 2016, Eindhoven, Netherlands. ⟨hal-01243247⟩

Harmonie Leduc, Dimitri Peaucelle, Christelle Pittet-Mechin. LMI-based design of a robust direct adaptive attitude control for a satellite with uncertain parameters. 20th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace - ACA 2016, Aug 2016, Sherbrooke, Canada. ⟨hal-01272710⟩

Yohei Hosoe, Dimitri Peaucelle. S-variable approach to robust stabilization state feedback synthesis for systems characterized by random polytopes. 2016 European Control Conference (ECC), Jun 2016, Aalborg, Denmark. ⟨10.1109/ECC.2016.7810589⟩. ⟨hal-01760551⟩

Preprints, Working Papers, ...

Harmonie Leduc, Dimitri Peaucelle, Marco Lovera, Christelle Pittet-Mechin. Robust adaptive magnetic control of satellites with uncertain parameters. 2016. ⟨hal-01388231⟩


Journal articles

Jean-François Tregouet, Denis Arzelier, Dimitri Peaucelle, Christelle Pittet, Luca Zaccarian. Reaction Wheels Desaturation Using Magnetorquers and Static Input Allocation. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2015, 23 (2), pp.525 - 539. ⟨10.1109/TCST.2014.2326037⟩. ⟨hal-01760720⟩

C. Pittet, A. Luzi, Dimitri Peaucelle, J. Biannic, J. Mignot. In-flight results of adaptive attitude control law for a microsatellite. CEAS Space Journal, 2015, 7 (2), pp.291 - 302. ⟨10.1007/s12567-014-0067-8⟩. ⟨hal-01760730⟩


Yoshio Ebihara, Dimitri Peaucelle, Denis Arzelier. S-Variable Approach to LMI-Based Robust Control. 2015, 978-1-4471-6605-4. ⟨10.1007/978-1-4471-6606-1⟩. ⟨hal-01760625⟩

Conference papers

Mohammadreza Chamanbaz, Fabrizio Dabbene, Dimitri Peaucelle, Roberto Tempo. R-RoMulOC: A unified tool for randomized and robust multiobjective control. IFAC Symposium ROCOND, Jul 2015, Bratislava, Slovakia. pp.144 - 149, ⟨10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.09.448⟩. ⟨hal-01760567⟩

Yoshio Ebihara, Taiki Matsumura, Tomomichi Hagiwara, Dimitri Peaucelle, Denis Arzelier. Analysis and Synthesis of Interconnected Positive Systems with External Inputs. IFAC ROCOND Symposium , Jul 2015, Bratislava, Slovakia. pp.161 - 166, ⟨10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.09.451⟩. ⟨hal-01760603⟩

Harmonie Leduc, Dimitri Peaucelle, Christelle Pittet-Mechin. LMI-based design of a structured direct adaptive satellite attitude control with actuator rate feedback. 2015 IEEE 54th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2015), Dec 2015, Osaka, Japan. ⟨10.1109/CDC.2015.7402732⟩. ⟨hal-01388191⟩