EDEN / Gallery / Karma
Karma in Lousa, Portugal - May 2003

These pictures were taken in May 2003, during some experiments of the european Comets project, organized by ADAI in the airfield of Lousa near Coimbra, Portugal.

First flight with Karma V2.0 - April 2003

Karma V2.0 - March 2003

A flight in August 2002

The first radio-controlled flight, July 2002

The very first flight, November 2001

Out of the box, November 2001

  General Information
 About the EDEN Project
 Photo Gallery
>  Karma, the blimp
   Panoramic images
 Related Projects
 Job opportunities

 The Blimp

  Rovers Navigation
 Motion control
 Environment Perception
 Environment Modeling
 Motion Generation

  Autonomous Blimps
 Environment Perception

  Multi-Robot Cooperation