EDEN / Robots / Dala
 [ People Involved ]

Our youngest robot

After 5 years of developments with Lama, we felt the need to acquire a new rover. Indeed, Lama is very slow and has little energy, which is rather annoying to build up long range navigation experiments. So we recently bought an ATRV from iRobot, that we received in January 2002.

January 2002 : Dala shows up in the robotics room

We named it Dala (we thought that Dala and Lama sounds good - especially in Spanish), are currently equipping with various sensors: an orientable stereo bench, a color panoramic camera, and an inertial measuring unit. Hopefully, Dala should be able to do everything Lama is able to do within a few months (except traversing very rough areas).

People Involved

Sara Fleury, Matthieu Herrb, Xavier "steelfingers" Dollat, Patrick "goldfingers" Marcoul.
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 The Blimp

  Rovers Navigation
 Motion control
 Environment Perception
 Environment Modeling
 Motion Generation

  Autonomous Blimps
 Environment Perception

  Multi-Robot Cooperation