Engineering of metal based energetic nanostructures
The mission of our team is to understand and manipulate, from a fundamental standpoint, the physical and chemical phenomena in the formation and application of metal-based energetic nanostructures.
Nanoenergetics represents a recent development in the field of energetic material science and engineering that aims at engineering energetic nanostructures with better control of energy release by finely tuning reactant shape and length. This opens up the opportunity, for instance, to create materials and devices with entirely novel energetic properties. In this context, our research at NEO seeks to exploit the strong size dependence of the physical and chemical properties of nanometer-sized reactants, combine them and produce new energetic nanostructures with properties significantly different from those of bulk material. We use mostly sputtering technique or powder mixing. We also develop instrumentation for characterization of ignition and combustion mechanisms and better understand the (physico-chemical) phenomenom which make these new energetic nanostructures work. We also apply atomic scale and molecular based modeling tools for understanding reactivity of new reactants and materials. Daily, we synthesize new metal-based energetic structures using the sputtering technique or powder mixing. We ignite and burn the produced materials to study ignition and combustion mechanisms, complemented byprocess computational analysis. We also examine combustion products that gives valuable information of reaction regime and process.