Olympic Games 2024: design of a 3D mannequin for the French Cycling Federation

In partnership with the FFC and ALTEN, the FabLaas team exhibited its research work on the creation of a 3D mannequin, which enables the study and presentation of the suit that French cyclists will be wearing at the upcoming 2024 Olympic Games.


On the occasion of the High Performance Open Day organized by the Fédération française de cyclisme, the French team's aerodynamic suit for the 2024 Olympic Games was unveiled! LAAS-CNRS contributed to this event by designing the 3D mannequin presenting the equipment.

For more information on this project, visit https://velo.ffc.fr/recherche-et-performance/science-cyclisme/aerodynamique-role-crucial-textile

s4m / i2c / Georges Soto-Romero / Lionel Seguier / Vincent Brossa

published on 22.02.24