Ph.D. Students

Pierre MALAFOSSE (start 2023), co-advised with Alexandre Albore
Skill level dependability for autonomous systems

Luca Vittorio SARTORI (start may 2019), co-advised with Hélène Waeselynck
Virtual worlds generation for testing autonomous robots in simulation

Raul SENA FERREIRA (2019-2023), co-advised with Hélène Waeselynck
Development of a generic framework to monitor and handle safety of autonomous systems during run-time

Yassir IDMESSAOUD (2019-2022), co-advised with Didier Dubois
Uncertainty Assessment in Safety Argument Structure – An approach based on Dempster-Shafer Theory

Adrien HEREAU (2018-2022, prepared at LIRMM), co-advised with Karen Godary (LIRMM) and Didier Crestani (LIRMM)
Autonomy and reliability enhancement of robot for the observation of submarine ecosystems

Clément ROBERT (2017-2021), co-advised with H.Waeselynck
Test generation and test analysis for autonomous systems

Lola MASSON (2015-2019), co-advised with H.Waeselynck
Safety monitoring for autonomous systems: interactive elicitation of safety rules

Rui WANG (2014-2018), co-advised with G. Motet
Confidence in safety argument - An assessment framework based on belief function theory

Thierry SOTIROPOULOS (2014-2018), co-advised with H.Waeselynck and F. Ingrand
Test aléatoire de la navigation de robots dans des mondes virtuels

Mathilde MACHIN (2012-2015) co-advised with H.Waeselynck and D. Powell
Synthèse de règles de sécurité pour des systèmes autonomes critiques

Quynh Anh DO HOANG (2011-2015), co-advised with M. Kaaniche
Analyse et justification de la sécurité de systèmes robotiques en interaction physique avec l'humain

Amina MEKKI-MOKTHAR (2009-2012) co-advised with D. Powell
Processus d'identification de contraintes de sécurité innocuité vérifiables en ligne pour des systèmes autonomes critiques


Valentin Bouziat (2023-2024) Joris Guérin (2020-2022), co-advised with K. Delmas (Onera)
Kalou Cabrera (2016-2017)
Fanny Dufossé (2013-2014), co-advised with M. Roy
Jesus Friginal (2013-2014), co-advised with M.O. Killijian
Damien Martin-Guillerez (2009-2010)

M.Sc. and B.Sc. Students

Sylvain ROBERT (Master 2, 2022), co-advised with C. Lesire and A. Manecy (Onera, Toulouse)
Gabriela CATALANA MEDINA (Master 2, 2021), co-advised with C. Lesire (Onera, Toulouse)
Aizar BERLANGA-GALVAN (Master 2, 2021), co-advised with H. Waeselynck and L. Sartori
Tony CAPELA (Master 2, 2020), co-advised with S. Lissajoux (Thalès, Toulouse)
Enzo Iglesis (Master2, 2018), co-advised with C. Lesire (Onera Toulouse)
Clément ROBERT (Master2, 2017)
Lucian PETCANA (Master1 - 2011)
Hongli DING (Master2 - 2010)
Quynh Anh DO HOANG (Master 2 - 2010)
Rassoul SARR (Master2 - 2009)
Ofaina TAOFIFENUA (Master2 - 2008)
Tim MIEULET (L3 - 2009)
Mathilde BES (L3 - 2009)


LAAS, Groupe TSF
7 av. du Colonel Roche, 31077 Toulouse cedex4
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