OLYMPIA patent is published!

The patent application filed by the partners of OLYMPIA at the beginning of the project is now accepted and published!

The invention describes the concept of the optomechanical AFM probe developed in the project. Both the national application and international extensions have been published.

Consortium meeting in Lille

The next consortium meeting is scheduled on Friday,  January 26th 2018 in Lille.

First international communications!

Nicolas, Pierre and Lucien participated to international events and presented some OLYMPIA outputs!

Nicolas Mauran (LAAS) presented in Austin (Texas, USA) during the National Instruments Week (May 2017) the developments of the control system of the AFM set-up that will integrate the OLYMPIA optomechanical probes.

Consortium meeting in Toulouse

The next consortium meeting is scheduled on Wednesday,  June 7th 2017 in Toulouse.

Consortium meeting in Grenoble

The next consortium meeting is scheduled on Wednesday,  June 29th 2016 in Grenoble.

Consortium meeting in Paris

The next consortium meeting is scheduled on Tuesday, October 20th 2015 in Paris.

Project started !

Since February 1st, the project has started!

Kick-off meeting in Toulouse

The OLYMPIA partners will meet in Toulouse on January 13th 2015 to kick off the project. The scientific start date is February 1st and the project is scheduled to go on for 48 months.

Project accepted !

July 2014:
The OLYMPIA proposal has been selected by the ANR.


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