
Development of an interaction medium for human-robot communication in co-presence and tele-presence

Équipes / Services concernés


Aurélie Clodic

Date de publication


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The RIS team at LAAS-CNRS and the LII team at ENAC, Toulouse (France) are looking for a Master student interested in an internship (spring/summer 2025). The internship will last between 5 and 6 months.

Description of the project: As part of the ANR IPATRO project, LAAS and ENAC are developing a prototype for a human-robot interaction medium. The prototype takes the form of a tablet, to which a joystick can be attached. The aim is to enable a robot to be piloted, whether in co-presence or tele-presence. A first functional prototype was produced last year [1]. The aim of this year’s work will be to extend the possibilities offered by the prototype and adapt them to the use case envisaged (robot used in telepresence by a hospitalized child to interact with his family far away). The idea is to develop the elements needed to make the robot easy to handle, but also to give the child a sense of presence with his or her family. It will be possible to explore different interaction possibilities.

Goal of the project: Explore, test and select the best HMI configuration on both the media and robot sides to develop ease of use and sense of presence.

  • Taking control of and reusing the existing prototype (interface part in figma and Reactjs, robotics part in ROS2 and zenoh)
  • Study of the use case in collaboration with Purpan Children’s Hospital and “The Hope of Princess Manon” association: analysis of needs and design of solutions.
  • Related Work in robot teleoperation and telepresence
  • Carry out tests and propose designs and technical solutions

Expected skills: 

The student should be enrolled in a Master or Engineering diploma.

[Essential]: C/C++, ROS/ROS2, Python, Reactjs; Skills in Human-Machine Interaction or Human-Robot Interaction; interest in robotics

[Desirable]: Fluency in written and spoken English and French; interest in scientific research

Advisors: Dr. Aurélie Clodic (LAAS CNRS) and Dr. Anke Brock (ENAC).

Duration, funding and PhD opportunity: The internship will ideally last 6 months, with an allowance of around 600 euros (French legal gratification). The internship may lead to a PhD thesis within the two teams, financed by the ANR IPaTro project.

Société / Organisme : ENAC & LAAS

How to apply: Interested candidates are invited to apply by sending their CV, a letter of motivation and their last grade report by e-mail to [] and [] with the subject line: [Internship LAAS – ENAC – IPATRO].