New robust control functions for the Polynomial Toolbox 3.0

A set of new functions are being included to the new release 3.0 of the Polynomial Toolbox, based on recent theoretical achievements in polynomial techniques and convex optimization. The new functions use optimization over linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) to solve various robust control problems.

Calling sequences and functionalities are illustrated by numerical examples in the following report (PDF file, last modified on February 13, 2003).

This work has been partly supported by the NATO grant PST-CLG-978481.

Robust analysis
ptopana robust stability analysis of a polytope of
polynomial matrices
May 24, 2002
elliana robust stability analysis of an ellipsoid of continuous-time scalar polynomials October 23, 2002
ellista ellipsoidal approximation of the stability domain in the coefficient space of a polynomial May 24, 2002

Robust design
ptopdes robust stabilization of a polytope of scalar polynomials October 31, 2002
ellides robust stabilization of an ellipsoid of scalar polynomials September 16, 2002
ptopdes2 robust proportional-derivative stabilization of a polytope of second-order systems May 24, 2002
ellides2 robust proportional-derivative stabilization of an ellipsoid of second-order systems May 24, 2002
sofss simultaneous stabilization by scalar static output feedback October 29, 2002
hinfdes fixed-order H-infinity controller design February 13, 2003

hermcoef coefficients of the Hermite matrix of a polynomial November 18, 2002
hermfuji Hermite matrix of a polynomial November 18, 2002