Third ESORICS in 1994


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Proceedings :
Computer Security - ESORICS 94
Third European Symposium on Research in Computer Security
Brighton, United Kingdom, November 1994
Dieter Gollmann (Ed.)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No 875
ISBN 3-540-58618-0

Programme Chair's Preface

Twenty-six paper were selected for the European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, ESORICS'94, held November 7-9, 1994 in Brighton, UK. That year's symposium was the third in the ESORICS series created in 1990 and renewed in 1992 by AFCET in France. The IMA organised ESORICS'94 in co-operation with AFECT, BCS Computer Security Specialist Group, CERT-ONERA, AICA and GI.

Progressively organised in a series of European countries, the symposium is confirmed as the European research event in Computer Security. The seventy-one submitted papers came from the five continents. Considering the high average quality of the submissions, the programme committee decided to select many of them, which led to a dense programme. The papers were grouped in sessions devoted to high security assurance software, key management, authentication, digital payment, distributed systems, access controls, databases and measures. As the the evaluation of security was not sufficiently addressed in the submitted research papers, the programme committee organised a panel session devoted to it. In addition, to amplify the contribution to the symposium of the digital payment topic, it invited Professor Henry Beker to talk about "Security Research for the Financial Sector".

The authors of all submitted papers deserve the main acknowledgment. The successful continuation of a top-grade international symposium depends on them. The efficiency of the programme committee members made possible a timely review of quality. The signatories thank Professor Roger Needham for his help in the global review process they had to perform.

Gerard Eizenberg (Programme Chair), Eliza Bertino (Programme Vice-Chair)

Contents of the Proceedings