Maximum Steps TINA options



The traditional Tina distributions in tina pages offer several partial order constructions, including the covering steps construction (option -V), persistent sets (option -P), and a combination of these (option -Q). In addition, for experiments and further investigations, the distributions in this page offer three more "steps" constructions:

These constructions are explained in details in paper [editor] [arxiv] (see also [this recent result]). All three are supported by tools tina, sift and walk. Each accept inhibitor arcs and read arcs, but only the first accepts priorities; while there is a sensible interpretation of priorities for -sleptsov, this is far less obvious for the other options.

Tool nd supports these firing rules in the following sense:


Tina distributions supporting these features are available on the tina preview page.

Example usage of tina, sift, walk:

Counting markings; with sift (generally faster) or tina: Building state spaces stored in ktz representation; with sift (typically faster) or tina: Counting the number of deadlocks in a ktz file: Printing the list of deadlocks in a ktz file (each printed as its state index in the ktz file): [As of Sep 13 2023:] Printing the list of deadlocks in a ktz file in clear: For large nets (e.g., muse may need a huge amount of space, you may wish to use the new scan utility instead, as follows:

Counting the number of deadlocks in a ktz file with scan: Printing the deadlocks found in a ktz file with scan (as their indices in the ktz file with -s, or in clear in file deadlocks with -m):
[As of Sep 13 2023:] -v option of scan has been renamed -m Printing in clear the first deadlock computed by sift, with the -dead option: Same by walk; walk will stop if a deadlock is found, and print it, or it will loop forever if none is found:
[As of Sep 16 2023:] Printing the number of deadlocks of a net without priorities with tedd. Note: only the default firing rule is supported. Printing in clear the deadlocks of a net without priorities with tedd. Note: only the default firing rule is supported. Last updated: Fri Sep 17 15:51:41 CEST 2023